Haskell Types with Numeric Constraints
We are grateful to Microsoft Research for their sponsorship of
this project, which includes an internship, and with it the chance
to make a real difference to world of principled but practical programming.
The project investigates the practical and
theoretical impact of extending Haskell's type system with numeric
expressions (representing sizes, or ranges, or costs, for example) and
constraints capturing richer safety properties than are currently
managed by static typing. It has three strands: (1)
to investigate type inference with numeric constraints, (2) to
investigate new programming structures, patterns, and techniques which
exploit numeric indexing, and (3) to study the performance benefits
derivable from richer guarantees. A bright student could bring significant
benefits to developers using
Haskell, a language with increasing industrial traction — not
least at Microsoft. Work on the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, at
Reusability and Dependent Types
A new
EPSRC-funded project on Reusability and Dependent Types has just
started, as a collaboration between Nottingham (Thorsten Altenkirch),
Oxford (Jeremy Gibbons), and Strathclyde (Neil Ghani and Conor
We are all familiar with Milner’s slogan that
“well-typed programs cannot go wrong”. Types express properties of
programs; more expressive type systems—such as dependent typing—can
state properties more precisely, providing stronger guarantees of
behaviour and additional guidance in development. However, this
expressivity comes at a price: more specific typing can reduce
opportunities for code reuse. The goal of this project is to
investigate techniques for promoting reuse without sacrificing
precision; in particular, how can we layer dependently typed programs,
imposing stronger invariants onto more general library code?
Further Particulars
Conor McBride will be the primary supervisor for both of these projects.
Funding covers stipend, and fees for home/EU students, but the
position is open to all. For further information, please contact
Conor (conor ? cis ? strath ? ac ? uk).