First Software Testing Benchmark Workshop
There is evidence that the time is right for the development of a software testing benchmark. The recent trend in empirical evaluation shows convergence towards a smaller set of systems (arguably "proto-benchmarks"), although the infamous "triangle" program is still much in evidence.
The aim of this workshop is to investigate and establish the development of a central repository of expertise and exemplar systems that can act as a benchmark. Such a benchmark will serve as a catalyst for the development of tools and techniques, provide a basis for their objective evaluation and serve to focus the research in the discipline. A longer term vision is to use the benchmark to run an annual tools and techniques competition at ICST.
The workshop has three objectives:
Submissions should take the form of short position papers between 2 and 4 pages long in the IEEE Proceedings (8.5 by 11-inch) format. You can get the Word templates and LaTeX files here
Papers will appear online in the IEEE digital library, along with the rest of the proceedings for ICST 2008.
Submissions should be sent by email, preferably in pdf format, to Marc Roper no later than 1st February 2008.
Position paper due: Notification of acceptance: Camera Ready Copy: Deadline for early registration: |
February 1, 2008 February 22, 2008 March 10, 2008 March 10, 2008 |