val singleton
data Nat :: * where
Z :: Nat
S :: Nat -> Nat
deriving (SheSingleton)
data Vec :: {Nat} -> * -> * where
VNil :: Vec {Z} x
(:>) :: x -> Vec {n} x -> Vec {S n} x
Now you can write stuff like.
vec :: forall x. pi (n :: Nat). x -> Vec {n} x
vec {Z} x = VNil
vec {S n} x = x :> vec {n} x
Mumsie! Have the terms broken through the colon? Of course not. ‘pi (n :: Nat).’ is short for ‘forall n. SheSingleton Nat n ->’, which computes by tactical grace to ‘forall n. SheSingNat n ->’, where ‘SheSingNat’ is a GADT with ‘SheWitZ :: SheSingNat {Z}’ and ‘SheWitS :: pi (n :: Nat). SheSingNat {S n}’. Phew! The braces in terms turn ordinary constructors into their SheWitty versions, demanding the corresponding values at the type level.
This is an annoying hack: SheSingleton is a type family, when it would be nicer to make it a data family defined GADT-style: this slicker coding already works in 6.11, but not in 6.10.