CS208 Logic & Algorithms

Semester 1: Logic

Arithmetic and Induction

Now we can talk about equality in our proof system, we can start to talk about useful things like numbers and arithmetic, and make statements like the fact that addition is commutative (i.e., it doesn't matter which way round we add things):

∀x. ∀y.  add(x, y) = add(y, x)

However, we cannot yet prove statements like this. To be able to prove such statements, we use a collection of axioms set out by Giuseppe Peano in the 19th century. These axioms specify a way of representing numbers, the laws for addition and multiplication, and the proof principle of induction, which allows us to prove facts about all natural numbers.

The axioms, including induction, are introduced in the following video, and explained below with exercises in the interactive proof editor.

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Representing numbers

Numbers are represented in unary notation. We start from 0 and represent larger numbers by “adding one” many times using the function symbol S, standing for “successor”. So 1 is represented as S(0) (“successsor of zero” or “1 + 0”), 2 is represented as S(S(0)), 3 as S(S(S(0))), and so on.

In order to make sure that the function symbols 0 and S act properly, we need two axioms:

  1. zero-ne-succ: “all x. ¬(0 = S(x))”

    This axiom states that 0 is never equal to the successor of something. We need this to make sure that our numbers do not “loop round” back to zero at some point.

  2. succ-injective: “all x. all y. S(x) = S(y) → x = y”

    This axiom states that if two successors are equal, then their predecessors are equal. This axiom is a bit more difficult to understand than the previous one. One way to understand it is that it says that there is only one way to “get to” a number in one step. So it is another way of saying that our sequence of numbers has no cycles.


With these axioms, we can prove that numbers that are written differently are unequal:

(config (assumptions (zero-ne-succ "all x. ¬(0 = S(x))") (succ-injective "all x. all y. S(x) = S(y) -> x = y")) (goal "¬(S(0) = S(S(0)))") (solution (Rule(NotIntro one-eq-two)((Rule(Use zero-ne-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule NotElim((Rule(Use succ-injective)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun 0()))))((Rule Implies_elim((Rule(Use one-eq-two)((Rule Close())))(Rule Close())))))))))))))))))))

Axioms of Addition

Peano's axioms assume a function symbol “add(x,y)” intended to represent “x + y”. The behaviour of addition is specified by two axioms, which are hopefully almost self-explanatory:

  1. add-zero: “all x. add(0,x) = x”

    Adding zero to “x” is equal to “x”. In normal symbols, “0 + x = x”.

  2. add-succ: “all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))”

    Adding the successor of “x” to “y” is equal to the successor of adding “x” to “y”. In normal symbols, “(1 + x) + y = 1 + (x + y)”.

    One way to visualise this axioms is as “pushing” the “S” symbol outside the addition. Most proofs proceed by using the equality in the axiom left-to-right, pushing the “add” symbol down into the term, usually in the hope that the add-zero axiom will apply and the addition will disappear altogether.


With these axioms, we can prove simple facts like 2 + 2 = 4:

(config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))")) (goal "add(S(S(0)),S(S(0))) = S(S(S(S(0))))") (solution (Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun 0()))))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0()))))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0()))))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0()))))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))))))

Axioms of Multiplication

Multiplication is specified in a similar way to addition, by saying what it does on 0 and S in its first argument. Multiplication is represented as repeated addition.

  1. mul-zero: “all x. mul(0,x) = 0”

    Multiplying 0 by anything is always 0.

  2. mul-succ: “all x. all y. mul(S(x),y) = add(y,mul(x,y))”

    In normal symbols, this axiom says: “(1 + x) * y = y + (x * y)”. As with the add-succ axiom above, we can think of it as pushing the “mul” operation through a layer of successor. Repeated use of this axiom should usually lead to the “mul” operation disappearing when the mul-zero axiom is used.


With these axioms for multiplication (and the ones for addition), we can prove facts about arithmetic on specific numbers. For example, 2*2=4:

(config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))") (mul-zero "all x. mul(0,x) = 0") (mul-succ "all x. all y. mul(S(x),y) = add(y,mul(x,y))")) (goal "mul(S(S(0)),S(S(0))) = S(S(S(S(0))))") (solution (Rule(Use mul-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun 0()))))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0()))))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use mul-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0()))))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use mul-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0()))))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun 0()))))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0())))))(Fun 0()))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0())))))(Fun 0()))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Fun S((Fun S((Fun 0())))))(Fun 0()))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Fun 0()))))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


The final axiom of Peano's is really an axiom schema: a family of axioms, one for each formula.

The induction axiom schema states that if we want to prove a property P(x) for all numbers x, then we can do so by proving P(0) (the base case) and proving that, for all n, P(n) implies P(S(n)) (the step case).

In symbols, we have an axiom of induction for every formula P(-):

P(0) → (∀n.  P(n) → P(S(n))) → (∀x.  P(x))

In order to make proofs by induction a bit easier (it can be difficult to select exactly the right formula P to prove), induction has been built into the proof system we are using. This is explained in the following video:

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Exercises on Induction

Details on how to do the first few of these are in the video above.

Proof commands...

The blue boxes represent parts of the proof that are unfinished. The comments (in green) tells you what the current goal is. Either the goal is unfocused:

{ goal: <some formula> }

or there is a formula is focus:

{ focus: <formula1>; goal: <formula2> }

The commands that you can use differ according to which mode youare in. The commands correspond directly to the proof rules given in the videos.

Unfocused mode

These rules can be used when there is no formula in the focus. These rules either act on the conclusion directly to break it down into simpler sub-goals, or switch to focused mode (the use command).

Focused mode

These rules apply when there is a formula in focus. These rules either act upon the formula in focus, or finish the proof when the focused formula is the same as the goal.

  1. add-x-zero: x + 0 = x

    (config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))")) (goal "all x. add(x,0) = x") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule Close())))))(Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use induction-hypothesis)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))
  2. add-x-succ : x + S(y) = S(x + y)

    (config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))")) (goal "all x. all y. add(x,S(y)) = S(add(x,y))") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Introduce y)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Var y))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))(Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Var y))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use induction-hypothesis)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  3. Addition is associative:

    (config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))")) (goal "all x. all y. all z. add(x,add(y,z)) = add(add(x,y),z)") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Introduce y)((Rule(Introduce z)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Var y)(Var z))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))(Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Var y)(Var z))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Var x1)(Var y))))((Rule(Instantiate(Var z))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use induction-hypothesis)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  4. Addition is commutative:

    (config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))") (add-x-zero "all x. add(x,0) = x") (add-x-succ "all x. all y. add(x,S(y)) = S(add(x,y))")) (goal "all x. all y. add(x,y) = add(y,x)") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Introduce y)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-x-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))(Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-x-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use induction-hypothesis)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  5. Every number is a zero or is a successor of some other number.

    (config (assumptions (zero-ne-succ "all x. ¬(0 = S(x))") (succ-injective "all x. all y. S(x) = S(y) -> x = y")) (goal "all x. x = 0 \/ (ex y. x = S(y))") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule Left((Rule Refl())))(Rule Right((Rule(Exists(Var x1))((Rule Refl())))))))))))
  6. For all numbers x and y, either they are equal, or they are not. If we assume excluded middle, then this fact is immediate from the fact that every proposition is either true or false. If we do not however, we have to construct a proof. The proof proceeds very similarly to how one might construct a computer program to decide whether two numbers are equal: first check if the first number is zero or successor and then check the second; if they are both zero then they are equal, if one is zero and one is a successor then they are not equal, and they are both successors then check the two smaller numbers.

    (config (assumptions (zero-ne-succ "all x. ¬(0 = S(x))") (succ-injective "all x. all y. S(x) = S(y) -> x = y")) (goal "all x. all y. x = y \/ ¬(x = y)") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule(Introduce y)((Rule(Induction y)((Rule Left((Rule Refl())))(Rule Right((Rule(Use zero-ne-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y1))((Rule Close())))))))))))(Rule(Introduce y)((Rule(Induction y)((Rule Right((Rule(NotIntro succ-eq-zero)((Rule(Use zero-ne-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule NotElim((Rule(Use succ-eq-zero)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))(Rule(Use induction-hypothesis)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y1))((Rule(Cases x1-eq-y1 x1-ne-y1)((Rule Left((Rule(Use x1-eq-y1)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))(Rule Right((Rule(NotIntro Sx1-eq-Sy1)((Rule(Use x1-ne-y1)((Rule NotElim((Rule(Use succ-injective)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var y1))((Rule Implies_elim((Rule(Use Sx1-eq-Sy1)((Rule Close())))(Rule Close())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  7. We can define “less than or equal” for numbers as x <= y is ∃k. add(x,k) = y. The following proof proves that the numbers are totally ordered: for all pairs of numbers x and y, either x <= y or y <= x.

    (config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))")) (goal "all x. all y. (ex k. add(x,k) = y) \/ (ex k. add(y,k) = x)") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule(Introduce y)((Rule Left((Rule(Exists(Var y))((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule Close())))))))))))(Rule(Introduce y)((Rule(Induction y)((Rule Right((Rule(Exists(Fun S((Var x1))))((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun S((Var x1))))((Rule Close())))))))))(Rule(Use induction-hypothesis)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y1))((Rule(Cases x1-le-y1 y1-le-x1)((Rule Left((Rule(Use x1-le-y1)((Rule(ExElim k add-x1-k-y1)((Rule(Exists(Var k))((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var k))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-x1-k-y1)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))(Rule Right((Rule(Use y1-le-x1)((Rule(ExElim k add-y1-k-x1)((Rule(Exists(Var k))((Rule(Use add-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var k))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-y1-k-x1)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  8. Multiplication distributes over addition.

    The proof of this fact depends on the associativity and commutativity properties of addition that we proved above. There is a tricky bit of rewriting at the end. It is best to work it out on paper first.

    (config (assumptions (add-zero "all x. add(0,x) = x") (add-succ "all x. all y. add(S(x),y) = S(add(x,y))") (mul-zero "all x. mul(0,x) = 0") (mul-succ "all x. all y. mul(S(x),y) = add(y,mul(x,y))") (add-assoc "all x. all y. all z. add(x,add(y,z)) = add(add(x,y),z)") (add-comm "all x. all y. add(x,y) = add(y,x)")) (goal "all x. all y. all z. mul(x,add(y,z)) = add(mul(x,y),mul(x,z))") (solution (Rule(Introduce x)((Rule(Introduce y)((Rule(Introduce z)((Rule(Induction x)((Rule(Use mul-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Var y)(Var z))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use mul-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use mul-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Var z))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-zero)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun 0()))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule Refl())))))))))))))))))))))))))(Rule(Use mul-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Var y)(Var z))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use mul-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use mul-succ)((Rule(Instantiate(Var x1))((Rule(Instantiate(Var z))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use induction-hypothesis)((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-assoc)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Instantiate(Var z))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Fun mul((Var x1)(Var y)))(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var z))))))((Rule(Rewrite rtl)((Rule(Use add-assoc)((Rule(Instantiate(Var z))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var y))))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var z))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-comm)((Rule(Instantiate(Var z))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var y))))((Rule(Rewrite ltr)((Rule(Use add-assoc)((Rule(Instantiate(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var y))))((Rule(Instantiate(Var z))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var z))))((Rule(Rewrite rtl)((Rule(Use add-assoc)((Rule(Instantiate(Var y))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var y))))((Rule(Instantiate(Fun add((Var z)(Fun mul((Var x1)(Var z))))))((Rule Close())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))