CS208 Logic & Algorithms

Semester 1: Logic

Resource Allocation Problems

Many kinds of problem that we might ask a computer to solver can be seen as a kind of “resource allocation” problem, where we have some number of resources to distribute among some number of tasks according to some constraints. Logical modelling is a good way of expressing these problems in cases where the constraints complicated.

Graph Colouring

One way of thinking about resource allocation is to think of colouring the nodes of a graph in such a way that no two connected nodes have the same colour. We think of the nodes as "tasks" and the colours as "resources". An edge between two nodes means that those two nodes cannot be assigned the same colour. In terms of resources, this might be because those two tasks must run at the same time and so cannot be assigned the same physical space, for example.

As a running example, lets take the this graph with the nodes labelled N1 up to N5:

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5

If we have three colours Red, Green, Blue to assign to these nodes, then there are many ways to do it. For example:

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5

(here N1 is Green, N2 is Blue, N3 is Red, N4 is Green and N5 is Blue.)

We will see below that there are 12 ways of assigning three colours to this graph.

If we add another edge then it is not possible to colour this graph with three colours:

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5

This is because N1, N2, N3, and N5 are all connected to each other which means that they all need different colours, but there are four of them and only three colours.

Encoding Graph Colouring in Logic

Graph colouring is a good fit for Logical Modelling because we can express possible colourings as atomic propositions and constraints on the colourings as logical formulas.

As with the package installation problem, we will use domains to express the ranges of nodes and colours in this problem:

domain colour { Red, Green, Blue }

domain node { N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 }

With these, we define a parameterised atom that is true exactly when a node is coloured with the specified colour:

atom is_colour(n : node, c : colour)

Now we need two constraints to specify what a colouring is. First, to be a proper colouring, we need to make sure that every node has a colour:

define all_nodes_some_colour {
  forall(n : node) some(c : colour) is_colour(n, c)

Literally: "for every node, there is some colour that is colouring that node".

Second, we need to make sure that no node has more than one colour. This is almost identical to the incompatibilities constraint we saw for the package installations with domains and parameters:

define all_nodes_at_most_one_colour {
  forall (n : node)
    forall (c1 : colour)
      forall (c2 : colour)
        (c1 = c2 | ~is_colour(n,c1) | ~is_colour(n,c2))

Now we need a way to say that two nodes may not be assigned the same colour. We can do this with a general parameterised definition that says that for nodes a and b, then for every colour we never have both nodes that colour:

define conflict(a : node, b : node) {
  forall(c : colour) ~is_colour(a, c) | ~is_colour(b, c)

Then we can state all of the constraints in our graph by using conflict repeatedly:

define conflicts {
  & conflict(N2,N3)
  & conflict(N4,N5)
  & conflict(N1,N3)
  & conflict(N1,N5)
  & conflict(N5,N3)

Putting it all together

Putting together all the parts above, we get the following program. The final ifsat gathers together the

domain node { N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 } domain colour { Red, Green, Blue } atom is_colour(n : node, c : colour) define all_nodes_some_colour { forall(n : node) some(c : colour) is_colour(n, c) } define all_nodes_at_most_one_colour { forall (n : node) forall(c1 : colour) forall(c2 : colour) (c1 = c2 | ~is_colour(n,c1) | ~is_colour(n,c2)) } define conflict(a : node, b : node) { forall(c : colour) ~is_colour(a, c) | ~is_colour(b, c) } define conflicts { conflict(N1,N2) & conflict(N2,N3) & conflict(N4,N5) & conflict(N1,N3) & conflict(N1,N5) & conflict(N5,N3) } ifsat(all_nodes_some_colour & all_nodes_at_most_one_colour & conflicts) { for (n : node) n:[for (c : colour) if (is_colour(n,c)) c ] }

An exercise: tasks and machines

Instead of nodes and colours, we'll look at tasks and machines, and some more flexible ways of stating constraints on the allocation than just edges in a graph. Tasks will be assigned to machines, under some constraints. These constraints are:

Edit the code below to add constraints to encode these additional properties, so that the computer finds a satisfying valuation. The all_tasks_some_machine, all_tasks_one_machine and separate_machines parts have already been filled in. You will need to fill in all the bits that say fill_this_in.

domain machine { M1, M2, M3 } domain task { T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 } // If assign(t,m) is true, then task 't' // is assigned to machine 'm'. atom assign(t : task, m : machine) define all_tasks_some_machine { forall(t : task) some(m : machine) assign(t,m) } define all_tasks_one_machine { forall (t : task) forall (m1: machine) forall (m2 : machine) m1 = m2 | ~assign(t,m1) | ~assign(t,m2) } define separate_machines(task1 : task, task2 : task) { forall(m : machine) ~assign(task1, m) | ~assign(task2, m) } define conflicts { fill_this_in } define special_cases { fill_this_in } define main { all_tasks_some_machine & all_tasks_one_machine & conflicts & special_cases } allsat (main) { for (t : task) t:[for (m : machine) if (assign(t, m)) m] }

There should be two ways to assign tasks to machines satisfying all the constraints listed above.

define conflicts {
  separate_machines(T1,T2) &
  separate_machines(T2,T3) &
  separate_machines(T2,T5) &
  separate_machines(T3,T4) &

define special_cases {
  ~assign(T1,M3) &
  ~assign(T1,M1) &
  ~assign(T2,M1) &
  ~assign(T3,M3) &
  (forall(m : machine) ~assign(T2,m) | assign(T4,m))