module Constructions
  (C : Set1)(HomC : C -> C -> Set)
  (idC : (c : C) -> HomC c c)
  (_∘C_ : {a b c : C} -> HomC b c -> HomC a b -> HomC a c)

-- Constructions on codes; for now only a non-dependent δ code.
-- More constructions can be found in Constructions.Product and
-- Constructions.Coproduct.

open import Data.Unit

import posIR
open posIR C HomC idC _∘C_

δ₁ : (F : C -> IR+)(F→ :  {f g} -> (HomC f g) ->  Hom (F f) (F g)) -> IR+
δ₁ F F→ = δ   f  F (f _))  η  F→ (η _))