-- The Agda standard library
-- Containers, based on the work of Abbott and others

module Data.Container where

open import Data.M
open import Data.Product as Prod hiding (map)
open import Data.W
open import Function renaming (id to ⟨id⟩; _∘_ to _⟨∘⟩_)
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
open import Function.Inverse using (_↔_; module Inverse)
import Function.Related as Related
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary
  using (Setoid; module Setoid; Preorder; module Preorder)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
  using (_≡_; _≗_; refl)
open import Relation.Unary using (_⊆_)

-- Containers

-- A container is a set of shapes, and for every shape a set of
-- positions.

infix 5 _▷_

record Container ( : Level) : Set (suc ) where
  constructor _▷_
    Shape    : Set 
    Position : Shape  Set 

open Container public

-- The semantics ("extension") of a container.

⟦_⟧ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂}  Container ℓ₁  Set ℓ₂  Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂)
 C  X = Σ[ s  Shape C ] (Position C s  X)

-- The least and greatest fixpoints of a container.

μ :  {}  Container   Set 
μ C = W (Shape C) (Position C)

ν :  {}  Container   Set 
ν C = M (Shape C) (Position C)

-- Equality, parametrised on an underlying relation.

Eq :  {c } {C : Container c} {X Y : Set c} 
     (X  Y  Set )   C  X   C  Y  Set (c  )
Eq {C = C} _≈_ (s , f) (s′ , f′) =
  Σ[ eq  s  s′ ] (∀ p  f p  f′ (P.subst (Position C) eq p))


  -- Note that, if propositional equality were extensional, then
  -- Eq _≡_ and _≡_ would coincide.

  Eq⇒≡ :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} {xs ys :  C  X} 
         P.Extensionality c c  Eq _≡_ xs ys  xs  ys
  Eq⇒≡ {xs = s , f} {ys = .s , f′} ext (refl , f≈f′) =
    P.cong (_,_ s) (ext f≈f′)

setoid :  {}  Container   Setoid    Setoid  
setoid C X = record
  { Carrier       =  C  X.Carrier
  ; _≈_           = _≈_
  ; isEquivalence = record
    { refl  = (refl , λ _  X.refl)
    ; sym   = sym
    ; trans = λ {_ _ zs}  trans zs
  module X = Setoid X

  _≈_ = Eq X._≈_

  sym : {xs ys :  C  X.Carrier}  xs  ys  ys  xs
  sym {_ , _} {._ , _} (refl , f) = (refl , X.sym ⟨∘⟩ f)

  trans :  {xs ys :  C  X.Carrier} zs  xs  ys  ys  zs  xs  zs
  trans {_ , _} {._ , _} (._ , _) (refl , f₁) (refl , f₂) =
    (refl , λ p  X.trans (f₁ p) (f₂ p))

-- Functoriality

-- Containers are functors.

map :  {c } {C : Container c} {X Y : Set }  (X  Y)   C  X   C  Y
map f = Prod.map ⟨id⟩  g  f ⟨∘⟩ g)

module Map where

  identity :  {c} {C : Container c} X 
             let module X = Setoid X in
             (xs :  C  X.Carrier)  Eq X._≈_ (map ⟨id⟩ xs) xs
  identity {C = C} X xs = Setoid.refl (setoid C X)

  composition :  {c} {C : Container c} {X Y : Set c} Z 
                let module Z = Setoid Z in
                (f : Y  Z.Carrier) (g : X  Y) (xs :  C  X) 
                Eq Z._≈_ (map f (map g xs)) (map (f ⟨∘⟩ g) xs)
  composition {C = C} Z f g xs = Setoid.refl (setoid C Z)

-- Container morphisms

-- Representation of container morphisms.

record _⇒_ {c} (C₁ C₂ : Container c) : Set c where
    shape    : Shape C₁  Shape C₂
    position :  {s}  Position C₂ (shape s)  Position C₁ s

open _⇒_ public

-- Interpretation of _⇒_.

⟪_⟫ :  {c } {C₁ C₂ : Container c} 
      C₁  C₂  {X : Set }   C₁  X   C₂  X
 m  xs = (shape m (proj₁ xs) , proj₂ xs ⟨∘⟩ position m)

module Morphism where

  -- Naturality.

  Natural :  {c} {C₁ C₂ : Container c} 
            (∀ {X}   C₁  X   C₂  X)  Set (suc c)
  Natural {c} {C₁} m =
     {X} (Y : Setoid c c)  let module Y = Setoid Y in
    (f : X  Y.Carrier) (xs :  C₁  X) 
    Eq Y._≈_ (m $ map f xs) (map f $ m xs)

  -- Natural transformations.

  NT :  {c} (C₁ C₂ : Container c)  Set (suc c)
  NT C₁ C₂ =  λ (m :  {X}   C₁  X   C₂  X)  Natural m

  -- Container morphisms are natural.

  natural :  {c} {C₁ C₂ : Container c}
            (m : C₁  C₂)  Natural  m 
  natural {C₂ = C₂} m Y f xs = Setoid.refl (setoid C₂ Y)

  -- In fact, all natural functions of the right type are container
  -- morphisms.

  complete :  {c} {C₁ C₂ : Container c} 
             (nt : NT C₁ C₂) 
              λ m  (X : Setoid c c) 
                     let module X = Setoid X in
                     (xs :  C₁  X.Carrier) 
                     Eq X._≈_ (proj₁ nt xs) ( m  xs)
  complete (nt , nat) =
    (m , λ X xs  nat X (proj₂ xs) (proj₁ xs , ⟨id⟩))
    m = record { shape    = λ  s   proj₁ (nt (s , ⟨id⟩))
               ; position = λ {s}  proj₂ (nt (s , ⟨id⟩))

  -- Identity.

  id :  {c} (C : Container c)  C  C
  id _ = record {shape = ⟨id⟩; position = ⟨id⟩}

  -- Composition.

  infixr 9 _∘_

  _∘_ :  {c} {C₁ C₂ C₃ : Container c}  C₂  C₃  C₁  C₂  C₁  C₃
  f  g = record
    { shape    = shape    f ⟨∘⟩ shape    g
    ; position = position g ⟨∘⟩ position f

  -- Identity and composition commute with ⟪_⟫.

  id-correct :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
                id C  {X}  ⟨id⟩
  id-correct xs = refl

  ∘-correct :  {c} {C₁ C₂ C₃ : Container c}
              (f : C₂  C₃) (g : C₁  C₂) {X : Set c} 
               f  g  {X}  ( f  ⟨∘⟩  g )
  ∘-correct f g xs = refl

-- Linear container morphisms

record _⊸_ {c} (C₁ C₂ : Container c) : Set c where
    shape⊸    : Shape C₁  Shape C₂
    position⊸ :  {s}  Position C₂ (shape⊸ s)  Position C₁ s

  morphism : C₁  C₂
  morphism = record
    { shape    = shape⊸
    ; position = _⟨$⟩_ (Inverse.to position⊸)

  ⟪_⟫⊸ :  {} {X : Set }   C₁  X   C₂  X
  ⟪_⟫⊸ =  morphism 

open _⊸_ public using (shape⊸; position⊸; ⟪_⟫⊸)

-- All and any

-- All.

 :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
    (X  Set c)  ( C  X  Set c)
 P (s , f) =  p  P (f p)

□-map :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} {P Q : X  Set c} 
        P  Q   {C = C} P   Q
□-map P⊆Q = _⟨∘⟩_ P⊆Q

-- Any.

 :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
    (X  Set c)  ( C  X  Set c)
 P (s , f) =  λ p  P (f p)

◇-map :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} {P Q : X  Set c} 
        P  Q   {C = C} P   Q
◇-map P⊆Q = Prod.map ⟨id⟩ P⊆Q

-- Membership.

infix 4 _∈_

_∈_ :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
      X   C  X  Set c
x  xs =  (_≡_ x) xs

-- Bag and set equality and related preorders. Two containers xs and
-- ys are equal when viewed as sets if, whenever x ∈ xs, we also have
-- x ∈ ys, and vice versa. They are equal when viewed as bags if,
-- additionally, the sets x ∈ xs and x ∈ ys have the same size.

open Related public
  using (Kind; Symmetric-kind)
  renaming ( implication         to subset
           ; reverse-implication to superset
           ; equivalence         to set
           ; injection           to subbag
           ; reverse-injection   to superbag
           ; bijection           to bag

[_]-Order :  {}  Kind  Container   Set   Preorder   
[ k ]-Order C X = Related.InducedPreorder₂ k (_∈_ {C = C} {X = X})

[_]-Equality :  {}  Symmetric-kind  Container   Set   Setoid  
[ k ]-Equality C X = Related.InducedEquivalence₂ k (_∈_ {C = C} {X = X})

infix 4 _∼[_]_

_∼[_]_ :  {c} {C : Container c} {X : Set c} 
          C  X  Kind   C  X  Set c
_∼[_]_ {C = C} {X} xs k ys = Preorder._∼_ ([ k ]-Order C X) xs ys