{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Uniform.Coproduct.Maps {D : Set₁} where

open import Prelude.Basic
open import Prelude.Equality
open import Prelude.Container
open import Prelude.Fam

open import Prelude.Equivalences
open _≃_

open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple using (+-right-identity; +-suc)

open import Uniform.IR
open import Uniform.Coproduct {D}

-- for ease of chaining equivalences together, we define the decoding
-- of ranked containerised codes

  ⟦_⟧UniR : {n : } -> (G : UniR n)-> Fam D -> Set
   ιR ⟧UniR Z = 
   δσR G H ⟧UniR Z@(U , T)
    = Σ[ x  ( G ⟧UniR Z) ] (cont (H ( G ⟧InfoR Z x)) U)

  ⟦_⟧InfoR : {n : } -> (G : UniR n)(UT : Fam D) ->  G ⟧UniR UT -> InfoR G
   ιR ⟧InfoR UT _ = lift tt
   δσR G H ⟧InfoR Z@(U , T) (x , p)
    = ( G ⟧InfoR Z x , cont-map (H _) T p)

⟦_⟧R : {E : Set1}{n : } ->  UFR E n -> Fam D -> Fam E
⟦_⟧R (c , α) Z =  c ⟧UniR Z , α   c ⟧InfoR Z

-- containerise equivalence

module ContaineriseEq {Z : Fam D} where

    left0 : (c : Uni D) ->  containerise c ⟧UniR Z ->  c ⟧Uni Z
    left0 ι x = x
    left0 (σ G A) (x , a , _) = left0 G x , subst A (left1 G x) a
    left0 (δ G A) (x , _ , g)
      = left0 G x ,  a  g (subst A (sym (left1 G x)) a))

    left1 : (c : Uni D) -> (x :  containerise c ⟧UniR Z) ->
               containeriseInfo c ( containerise c ⟧InfoR Z x)
                 c ⟧Info Z (left0 c x)
    left1 ι _ = refl
    left1 (σ G A) (x , a , _) = Σ-≡ (left1 G x) refl
    left1 (δ G A) (x , _ , g)
      = Σ-≡ (left1 G x) (subst-dom (left1 G x))

    right0 : (c : Uni D) ->  c ⟧Uni Z ->  containerise c ⟧UniR Z
    right0 ι x = x
    right0 (σ G A) (x , a)
      = right0 G x , subst A (right1 G x) a , ⊥-elim
    right0 (δ G A) (x , g)
      = right0 G x , _ ,  a  g (subst A (sym (right1 G x)) a))

    right1 : (c : Uni D) -> (x :  c ⟧Uni Z) ->
              c ⟧Info Z x
                containeriseInfo c ( containerise c ⟧InfoR Z (right0 c x))
    right1 ι _ = refl
    right1 (σ G A) (x , a) = Σ-≡ (right1 G x) refl
    right1 (δ G A) (x , g)
      = Σ-≡ (right1 G x) (subst-dom (right1 G x))

    leftright0 : (c : Uni D) ->
                 (x :  c ⟧Uni Z) -> x  left0 c (right0 c x)
    leftright0 ι x = refl
    leftright0 (σ G A) (x , a)
      = Σ-≡ (leftright0 G x)
              (subst-cong {B = A} (leftright0 G x))
                (congSubst (leftright1 G x))
                (subst-trans (right1 G x) (left1 G (right0 G x)))))
    leftright0 (δ G A) (x , g)
      = Σ-≡ (leftright0 G x)
              (subst-dom (leftright0 G x))
              (ext  a  cong g
                                 (subst-cong {B = A}
                                             (sym (leftright0 G x)))
                                   (congSubst (leftright1-sym G x))
                                     (sym (left1 G (right0 G x)))
                                     (sym (right1 G x))))))))

    leftright1 : (c : Uni D) -> (x :  c ⟧Uni Z) ->
                   cong ( c ⟧Info Z) (leftright0 c x)
                      trans (right1 c x) (left1 c (right0 c x))
    leftright1 c x = UIP _ _ --TODO: for now

    leftright1-sym : (c : Uni D) -> (x :  c ⟧Uni Z) ->
                       cong ( c ⟧Info Z) (sym (leftright0 c x))
                          trans (sym (left1 c (right0 c x)))
                                 (sym (right1 c x))
    leftright1-sym c x
      = trans
         (sym-cong (leftright0 c x))
           (cong sym (leftright1 c x))
             {x = containeriseInfo c
                    ( containerise c ⟧InfoR Z (right0 c x))}
             {y =  c ⟧Info Z x}
             (right1 c x)
             (left1 c (right0 c x))))

    rightleft0 : (c : Uni D) -> (x :  containerise c ⟧UniR Z) ->
                    x  right0 c (left0 c x)
    rightleft0 ι x = refl
    rightleft0 (σ G A) (x , a , _)
      = Σ-≡ (rightleft0 G x)
            (Σ-≡ (trans
                   (sym (subst-natural proj₁ (rightleft0 G x)))
                     (subst-cong {B = A} (rightleft0 G x))
                       (congSubst (rightleft1 G x))
                       (subst-trans (left1 G x)
                                    (right1 G (left0 G x))))))
                 (ext  ())))
    rightleft0 (δ G A) (x , _ , g)
      = Σ-≡ (rightleft0 G x)
            (Σ-≡ refl
                   (sym (subst-natural proj₂ (rightleft0 G x)))
                     (subst-dom (rightleft0 G x))
                     (ext  a  cong g
                                          (sym (rightleft0 G x)))
                                          (congSubst {B = A}
                                            (rightleft1-sym G x))
                                            (sym (right1 G (left0 G x)))
                                            (sym (left1 G x))))))))))

    rightleft1 : (c : Uni D) -> (x :  containerise c ⟧UniR Z) ->
                   cong (containeriseInfo c  ( containerise c ⟧InfoR Z))
                        (rightleft0 c x)
                       trans (left1 c x) (right1 c (left0 c x))
    rightleft1 c x =  UIP _ _ --TODO: for now

    rightleft1-sym : (c : Uni D) -> (x :  containerise c ⟧UniR Z) ->
                   cong (containeriseInfo c  ( containerise c ⟧InfoR Z))
                        (sym (rightleft0 c x))
                       trans (sym (right1 c (left0 c x)))
                              (sym (left1 c x))
    rightleft1-sym c x = trans
                           (sym-cong (rightleft0 c x))
                             (cong sym (rightleft1 c x))
                               {x = containeriseInfo c
                                      ( containerise c ⟧InfoR Z x)}
                               {y =  c ⟧Info Z (left0 c x)}
                               (left1 c x)
                               (right1 c (left0 c x))))

containeriseEq :
   {E} -> (R : UF D E) -> {Z : Fam D} ->
  containeriseUF R ⟧R Z   R  Z
left (containeriseEq (c , α))
 = (ContaineriseEq.left0 c , (cong α  (ContaineriseEq.left1 c)))
right (containeriseEq (c , α))
 = (ContaineriseEq.right0 c , (cong α  (ContaineriseEq.right1 c)))
leftright (containeriseEq R@(c , α))
 = comp-is-id-ext
    (left (containeriseEq R))
    (right (containeriseEq R))
    (ContaineriseEq.leftright0 c)
     x  trans
              (ContaineriseEq.right1 c x)
              (ContaineriseEq.left1 c (ContaineriseEq.right0 c x)))
              (cong (cong α) (sym (ContaineriseEq.leftright1 c x)))
              (sym (cong-cong (ContaineriseEq.leftright0 c x)))))
rightleft (containeriseEq R@(c , α))
 = comp-is-id-ext
    (right (containeriseEq R))
    (left (containeriseEq R))
    (ContaineriseEq.rightleft0 c)
     x  trans
              (ContaineriseEq.left1 c x)
              (ContaineriseEq.right1 c (ContaineriseEq.left0 c x)))
              (cong (cong α) (sym (ContaineriseEq.rightleft1 c x)))
              (sym (cong-cong (ContaineriseEq.rightleft0 c x)))))

-- forget equivalence
module ForgetEq {Z : Fam D} where

  subst-cont :  {a b c d}  {A : Set a}{Z : Set b} -> (H : A -> Cont {c} {d}) ->
             {x y : A} -> (p : x  y) -> {u : cont (H x) Z}{v : cont (H y) Z} ->
             (q : subst (proj₁  H) p (proj₁ u)  proj₁ v) ->
             (∀ z  proj₂ u (subst  z  proj₂ (H (proj₁ z)) (proj₂ z)) (sym (Σ-≡ p q)) z)  proj₂ v z) ->
             subst  z  cont (H z) Z) p u  v
  subst-cont H refl refl q = Σ-≡ refl (ext  z  q z))

    left0 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) ->  forget c ⟧Uni Z ->  c ⟧UniR Z
    left0 ιR x = x
    left0 (δσR G H) ((x , a) , g)
      = (left0 G x ,
--         subst (λ z → proj₁ (H z)) (left1 G x) a , (λ p → g (subst (λ z → proj₂ (H (proj₁ z)) (proj₂ z)) (sym (Σ-≡ (left1 G x) refl)) p)))
         subst  z  cont (H z) (ind Z)) (left1 G x) (a , g))

    left1 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) -> (x :  forget c ⟧Uni Z) ->
            forgetInfo c ( forget c ⟧Info Z x)   c ⟧InfoR Z (left0 c x)
    left1 ιR x = refl
    left1 (δσR G A) ((x , a) , g) rewrite left1 G x = refl -- TODO: do this properly

    right0 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) ->  c ⟧UniR Z ->  forget c ⟧Uni Z
    right0 ιR x = x
    right0 (δσR G H) (x , a , g)
      = (right0 G x , subst (proj₁  H) (right1 G x) a) ,  p  g (subst  z  proj₂ (H (proj₁ z)) (proj₂ z)) (sym (Σ-≡ (right1 G x) refl)) p))

    right1 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) -> (x :  c ⟧UniR Z) ->
              c ⟧InfoR Z x  forgetInfo c ( forget c ⟧Info Z (right0 c x))
    right1 ιR x = refl
    right1 (δσR G H) (x , a , g) rewrite right1 G x = refl -- TODO: do properly

    leftright0 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) -> (x :  c ⟧UniR Z) ->
                 x  left0 c (right0 c x)
    leftright0 ιR x = refl
    leftright0 (δσR G H) (x , a , g)
     =  Σ-≡ (leftright0 G x)
              (H ∘ ⟦ G ⟧InfoR Z)
              (leftright0 G x)
              (λ z → snd-part z))
       p = (trans
                (subst-cong  {B = proj₁ ∘ H} (leftright0 G x))
                  (congSubst (leftright1 G x))
                  (subst-trans (right1 G x) (left1 G (right0 G x)))))
              (subst-natural {P = proj₁ ∘ H} proj₁ (left1 G (right0 G x))))
       snd-part : ∀ z →
                  g (subst (λ z → proj₂ (H (⟦ G ⟧InfoR Z (proj₁ z))) (proj₂ z))
                           (sym (Σ-≡ (leftright0 G x) p)) z)
                    ≡ proj₂
                        (subst (λ z → (cont (H z) (ind Z)))
                               (left1 G (right0 G x))
                               (subst (proj₁ ∘ H) (right1 G x) a ,
                                (λ p → g (subst (λ z → proj₂ (H (proj₁ z)) (proj₂ z)) (sym (Σ-≡ (right1 G x) refl)) p)))) z
       snd-part z = {!(subst-proj₂ {C = λ z s → proj₂ (H z) s -> ind Z} (left1 G (right0 G x))))!}

    leftright1 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) -> (x :  c ⟧UniR Z) ->
                   cong ( c ⟧InfoR Z)
                        (leftright0 c x)
                       trans (right1 c x) (left1 c (right0 c x))
    leftright1 ιR x = refl
    leftright1 (δσR G H) (x , a , g) = UIP _ _ -- TODO as usual

    rightleft0 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) -> (x :  forget c ⟧Uni Z) ->
                 x  right0 c (left0 c x)
    rightleft0 ιR x = refl
    rightleft0 (δσR G H) ((x , a) , g)
     = Σ-≡ (Σ-≡ (rightleft0 G x)
                  (subst-cong {B = proj₁  H} (rightleft0 G x))
                    (congSubst (rightleft1 G x))
                      (subst-trans (left1 G x) (right1 G (left0 G x)))
                      (cong (subst (proj₁  H) (right1 G (left0 G x)))
                            (subst-natural proj₁ (left1 G x)))))))
-- (trans (subst-dom (Σ-≡ (rightleft0 G x)       (trans (subst-cong (rightleft0 G x))        (trans (congSubst (rightleft1 G x))         (trans (subst-trans (left1 G x) (right1 G (left0 G x)))          (cong (subst (proj₁ ∘ H) (right1 G (left0 G x)))           (subst-natural proj₁ (left1 G x)))))))) (ext (λ a → {!congd proj₂!})))

    rightleft1 : {n : } -> (c : UniR n) -> (x :  forget c ⟧Uni Z) ->
                   cong (forgetInfo c  ( forget c ⟧Info Z))
                        (rightleft0 c x)
                       trans (left1 c x) (right1 c (left0 c x))
    rightleft1 ιR x = refl
    rightleft1 (δσR G H) ((x , a) , g) = UIP _ _

forgetEq :
   {E}{n} -> (R : UFR E n) -> {Z : Fam D} ->
  forgetUFR R  Z   R ⟧R Z
left (forgetEq (c , α))  = (ForgetEq.left0 c , cong α  ForgetEq.left1 c)
right (forgetEq (c , α)) = (ForgetEq.right0 c , cong α  ForgetEq.right1 c)
leftright (forgetEq R@(c , α) {Z})
 = comp-is-id-ext
    (left (forgetEq R))
    (right (forgetEq R))
    (ForgetEq.leftright0 c)
     x  trans
              (ForgetEq.right1 c x)
              (ForgetEq.left1 c (ForgetEq.right0 c x)))
              (cong (cong α) (sym (ForgetEq.leftright1 c x)))
              (sym (cong-cong {f = α} {g =  c ⟧InfoR Z} (ForgetEq.leftright0 c x)))))
rightleft (forgetEq R@(c , α) {Z})
 = comp-is-id-ext
    (right (forgetEq R))
    (left (forgetEq R))
    (ForgetEq.rightleft0 c)
     x  trans
              (ForgetEq.left1 c x)
              (ForgetEq.right1 c (ForgetEq.left0 c x)))
              (cong (cong α) (sym (ForgetEq.rightleft1 c x)))
              (sym (cong-cong {f = α} {g = forgetInfo c  ( forget c ⟧Info Z)} (ForgetEq.rightleft0 c x)))))

-- padding equivalence

module PadEq {Z : Fam D} where

  left0 :  {n} m (c : UniR n) ->  c ⟧UniR Z ->  pad m c ⟧UniR Z
  left0 {n} zero c x rewrite +-right-identity n = x , _ , ⊥-elim
  left0 {n} (suc m) c x rewrite +-suc n m = left0 m c x , _ , ⊥-elim

  left1 :  {n} m (c : UniR n) -> (x :  c ⟧UniR Z) ->
           c ⟧InfoR Z x  padInfo m c ( pad m c ⟧InfoR Z (left0 m c x))
  left1 {n} zero c x rewrite +-right-identity n = refl
  left1 {n} (suc m) c x rewrite +-suc n m = left1 m c x

  right0 :  {n} m (c : UniR n) ->  pad m c ⟧UniR Z ->  c ⟧UniR Z
  right0 {n} zero c x rewrite +-right-identity n = proj₁ x
  right0 {n} (suc m) c x rewrite +-suc n m = right0 m c (proj₁ x)

  right1 :  {n} m (c : UniR n) -> (x :  pad m c ⟧UniR Z) ->
             padInfo m c ( pad m c ⟧InfoR Z x)   c ⟧InfoR Z (right0 m c x)
  right1 {n} zero c x rewrite +-right-identity n = refl
  right1 {n} (suc m) c x rewrite +-suc n m = right1 m c (proj₁ x)

  leftright0 :  {n} m (c : UniR n) -> (x :  pad m c ⟧UniR Z) ->
               x  left0 m c (right0 m c x)
  leftright0 {n} zero c x rewrite +-right-identity n
    = Σ-≡ refl (Σ-≡ refl (ext  ())))
  leftright0 {n} (suc m) c x rewrite +-suc n m
    = Σ-≡ (leftright0 m c (proj₁ x)) (Σ-≡ refl (ext  ())))

  rightleft0 :  {n} m (c : UniR n) -> (x :  c ⟧UniR Z) ->
               x  right0 m c (left0 m c x)
  rightleft0 {n} zero c x rewrite +-right-identity n = refl
  rightleft0 {n} (suc m) c x rewrite +-suc n m = rightleft0 m c x

padEq :
   {E}{n} m -> (R : UFR E n) -> {Z : Fam D} ->
   R ⟧R Z   padUFR m R ⟧R Z
left (padEq m R@(c , α) {Z}) = (PadEq.left0 m c , cong α  PadEq.left1 m c)
right (padEq m R@(c , α) {Z}) = (PadEq.right0 m c , cong α  PadEq.right1 m c)
leftright (padEq m R@(c , α) {Z})
   = comp-is-id
      (left (padEq m R {Z}))
      (right (padEq m R {Z}))
      (ext (PadEq.leftright0 m c))
       y  UIP _ _) -- TODO
rightleft (padEq m R@(c , α) {Z})
   = comp-is-id
      (right (padEq m R {Z}))
      (left (padEq m R {Z}))
      (ext (PadEq.rightleft0 m c))
       y  UIP _ _) -- TODO

-- padEqual interaction with coproducts equivalence

module PadEqualEq {Z : Fam D} where

  left0 :  {n m} -> (c : UniR n)(d : UniR m) ->
          let (_ , c' , d') = padEqual c d in
           c' ⟧UniR Z   d' ⟧UniR Z ->  c ⟧UniR Z   d ⟧UniR Z
  left0 {m} {n} c d with compare n m
  ... | less .n k    = ⊎-map id (PadEq.right0 k d)
  ... | equal .m     = id
  ... | greater .m k = ⊎-map (PadEq.right0 k c) id

  left1 :  {n m} -> (c : UniR n)(d : UniR m) ->
          let (_ , c' , d') = padEqual c d in
          (x :  c'  ⟧UniR Z   d'  ⟧UniR Z) ->
          ⊎-map (padEqualInfo₁ c d   c' ⟧InfoR Z)
                (padEqualInfo₂ c d   d' ⟧InfoR Z) x
              (⊎-map ( c ⟧InfoR Z) ( d ⟧InfoR Z) (left0 c d x))
  left1 {m} {n} c d x with compare n m
  left1 c d (inj₁ x) | less n k = refl
  left1 c d (inj₂ x) | less n k = cong inj₂ (PadEq.right1 k d x)
  left1 c d x | equal m = refl
  left1 c d (inj₁ x) | greater m k = cong inj₁ (PadEq.right1 k c x)
  left1 c d (inj₂ x) | greater m k = refl

  right0 :  {n m} -> (c : UniR n)(d : UniR m) ->
           let (_ , c' , d') = padEqual c d in
            c ⟧UniR Z   d ⟧UniR Z ->  c' ⟧UniR Z   d' ⟧UniR Z
  right0 {m} {n} c d with compare n m
  ... | less .n k    = ⊎-map id (PadEq.left0 k d)
  ... | equal .m     = id
  ... | greater .m k = ⊎-map (PadEq.left0 k c) id

  right1 :  {n m} -> (c : UniR n)(d : UniR m) ->
          let (_ , c' , d') = padEqual c d in
          (x :  c ⟧UniR Z   d ⟧UniR Z) ->
          ⊎-map ( c ⟧InfoR Z) ( d ⟧InfoR Z) x
             ⊎-map (padEqualInfo₁ c d   c' ⟧InfoR Z)
                    (padEqualInfo₂ c d   d' ⟧InfoR Z) (right0 c d x)
  right1 {m} {n} c d x with compare n m
  right1 c d (inj₁ x) | less n k = refl
  right1 c d (inj₂ x) | less n k = cong inj₂ (PadEq.left1 k d x)
  right1 c d x | equal m = refl
  right1 c d (inj₁ x) | greater m k = cong inj₁ (PadEq.left1 k c x)
  right1 c d (inj₂ x) | greater m k = refl

  leftright0 :  {n m} -> (c : UniR n)(d : UniR m) ->
               let (_ , c' , d') = padEqual c d in
               (x :  c ⟧UniR Z   d ⟧UniR Z) ->
               x  left0 c d (right0 c d x)
  leftright0 {m} {n} c d x with compare n m
  leftright0 c d (inj₁ x) | less n k = refl
  leftright0 c d (inj₂ x) | less n k = cong inj₂ (PadEq.rightleft0 k d x)
  leftright0 c d x | equal m = refl
  leftright0 c d (inj₁ x) | greater m k = cong inj₁ (PadEq.rightleft0 k c x)
  leftright0 c d (inj₂ x) | greater m k = refl

  rightleft0 :  {n m} -> (c : UniR n)(d : UniR m) ->
               let (_ , c' , d') = padEqual c d in
               (x :  c'  ⟧UniR Z   d' ⟧UniR Z) ->
               x  right0 c d (left0 c d x)
  rightleft0 {m} {n} c d x with compare n m
  rightleft0 c d (inj₁ x) | less n k = refl
  rightleft0 c d (inj₂ x) | less n k = cong inj₂ (PadEq.leftright0 k d x)
  rightleft0 c d x | equal m = refl
  rightleft0 c d (inj₁ x) | greater m k = cong inj₁ (PadEq.leftright0 k c x)
  rightleft0 c d (inj₂ x) | greater m k = refl

map-fuse :  {a b c d e} 
           {A  : Set a}{B : Set b}{C : Set c}{D : Set d}{E : Set e}
           {f : A -> C}{g : B -> D}(f' : C -> E)(g' : D -> E) ->
           (x : A  B) ->
           [ (f'  f) , g'  g ]′ x  [ f' , g' ] (⊎-map f g x)
map-fuse f' g' (inj₁ x) = refl
map-fuse f' g' (inj₂ y) = refl

padEqualEq :
   {E}{n m} -> (R : UFR E n)(R' : UFR E m) -> {Z : Fam D} ->
  ( pe₁ R R' ⟧R Z Fam+  pe₂ R R' ⟧R Z)  ( R ⟧R Z Fam+  R' ⟧R Z)
left (padEqualEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
  = PadEqualEq.left0 c c' ,
     x  trans (map-fuse α α' x)
                 (trans (cong [ α , α' ] (PadEqualEq.left1 c c' x))
                        (sym (map-fuse α α' (PadEqualEq.left0 c c' x)))))
right (padEqualEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
  = PadEqualEq.right0 c c' ,
     x  trans (map-fuse α α' x)
                 (trans (cong [ α , α' ] (PadEqualEq.right1 c c' x))
                        (sym (map-fuse α α' (PadEqualEq.right0 c c' x)))))
leftright (padEqualEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
   = comp-is-id
      (left (padEqualEq R R' {Z}))
      (right (padEqualEq R R' {Z}))
      (ext (PadEqualEq.leftright0 c c'))
       y  UIP _ _) -- TODO
rightleft (padEqualEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
   = comp-is-id
      (right (padEqualEq R R' {Z}))
      (left (padEqualEq R R' {Z}))
      (ext (PadEqualEq.rightleft0 c c'))
       y  UIP _ _) -- TODO

-- choice equivalence

module ChoiceEq {Z : Fam D} where


    left0 : {n : } -> (c c' : UniR n) ->
             choice c c' ⟧UniR Z ->  c ⟧UniR Z   c' ⟧UniR Z
    left0 ιR ιR (_ , true , _) = inj₁ tt
    left0 ιR ιR (_ , false , _) = inj₂ tt
    left0 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (x , a)
     with left0 c c' x | choiceInfo c c' ( choice c c' ⟧InfoR Z x) | left1 c c' x
    ... | inj₁ y | inj₁ γ | refl = inj₁ (y , a)
    ... | inj₁ y | inj₂ γ | ()
    ... | inj₂ y | inj₁ γ | ()
    ... | inj₂ y | inj₂ γ | refl = inj₂ (y , a)

    left1 : {n : } -> (c c' : UniR n) ->
            (x :  choice c c' ⟧UniR Z) ->
            (choiceInfo c c' ( choice c c' ⟧InfoR Z x))
               ⊎-map ( c ⟧InfoR Z) ( c' ⟧InfoR Z) (left0 c c' x)
    left1 ιR ιR (_ , true , _) = refl
    left1 ιR ιR (_ , false , _) = refl
    left1 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (x , a)
     with left0 c c' x | choiceInfo c c' ( choice c c' ⟧InfoR Z x) | left1 c c' x
    ... | inj₁ y | inj₁ γ | refl = refl
    ... | inj₁ y | inj₂ γ | ()
    ... | inj₂ y | inj₁ γ | ()
    ... | inj₂ y | inj₂ γ | refl = refl

    right0 : {n : } -> (c c' : UniR n) ->
             c ⟧UniR Z   c' ⟧UniR Z ->  choice c c' ⟧UniR Z
    right0 ιR ιR (inj₁ tt) = (_ , true , ⊥-elim)
    right0 ιR ιR (inj₂ tt) = (_ , false , ⊥-elim)
    right0 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (inj₁ (x , a))
     = right0 c c' (inj₁ x) , subst  z  cont ([ A , A' ]′ z) (ind Z)) (right1 c c' (inj₁ x)) a
    right0 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (inj₂ (x , a))
     = right0 c c' (inj₂ x) , subst  z  cont ([ A , A' ]′ z) (ind Z)) (right1 c c' (inj₂ x)) a

    right1 : {n : } -> (c c' : UniR n) ->
             (x :  c ⟧UniR Z   c' ⟧UniR Z) ->
             ⊎-map ( c ⟧InfoR Z) ( c' ⟧InfoR Z) x
                choiceInfo c c' ( choice c c' ⟧InfoR Z (right0 c c' x))
    right1 ιR ιR (inj₁ tt) = refl
    right1 ιR ιR (inj₂ tt) = refl
    right1 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (inj₁ (x , a))
      with choiceInfo c c' ( choice c c' ⟧InfoR Z (right0 c c' (inj₁ x))) | right1 c c' (inj₁ x)
    ... | inj₁ q | refl = refl
    ... | inj₂ q | ()
    right1 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (inj₂ (x , a))
      with choiceInfo c c' ( choice c c' ⟧InfoR Z (right0 c c' (inj₂ x))) | right1 c c' (inj₂ x)
    ... | inj₁ q | ()
    ... | inj₂ q | refl = refl

    leftright0 : {n : } -> (c c' : UniR n) ->
                 (x :  c ⟧UniR Z   c' ⟧UniR Z) ->
                 x  left0 c c' (right0 c c' x)
    leftright0 ιR ιR (inj₁ tt) = refl
    leftright0 ιR ιR (inj₂ tt) = refl
    leftright0 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (inj₁ (x , a))
     = {!!}
    leftright0 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (inj₂ (x , a))
     = {!!}

    rightleft0 : {n : } -> (c c' : UniR n) ->
                 (x :  choice c c' ⟧UniR Z) ->
                 x  right0 c c' (left0 c c' x)
    rightleft0 ιR ιR (_ , true , _) = Σ-≡ refl (Σ-≡ refl (ext  ())))
    rightleft0 ιR ιR (_ , false , _) = Σ-≡ refl (Σ-≡ refl (ext  ())))
    rightleft0 (δσR c A) (δσR c' A') (x , a) = {!!}

choiceEq :
   {E}{n} -> (R R' : UFR E n) -> {Z : Fam D} ->
   choiceUFR R R' ⟧R Z  ( R ⟧R Z Fam+  R' ⟧R Z)
left (choiceEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
 = ChoiceEq.left0 c c' ,
     x  (trans (cong [ α , α' ] (ChoiceEq.left1 c c' x))
                  (sym (map-fuse α α' (ChoiceEq.left0 c c' x)))))
right (choiceEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
 = ChoiceEq.right0 c c' ,
     x  trans (map-fuse α α' x)
                 (cong [ α , α' ] (ChoiceEq.right1 c c' x)))
leftright (choiceEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
   = comp-is-id
      (left (choiceEq R R' {Z}))
      (right (choiceEq R R' {Z}))
      (ext (ChoiceEq.leftright0 c c'))
       y  UIP _ _) -- TODO
rightleft (choiceEq R@(c , α) R'@(c' , α') {Z})
   = comp-is-id
      (right (choiceEq R R' {Z}))
      (left (choiceEq R R' {Z}))
      (ext (ChoiceEq.rightleft0 c c'))
       y  UIP _ _) -- TODO

-- Finally:

coprodEq :  {E} -> (R R' : UF D E) -> {Z : Fam D} ->
            R UF-+ R'  Z  ( R  Z Fam+  R'  Z)
coprodEq R@(c , α) R'@(d , β) =
  let (n , c' , d') = padEqual (containerise c) (containerise d)
  in transEq
           (forgetEq (choiceUFR (pe₁ (containeriseUF R)
                                     (containeriseUF R'))
                                (pe₂ (containeriseUF R)
                                     (containeriseUF R'))))
           (choiceEq (pe₁ (containeriseUF R) (containeriseUF R'))
                     (pe₂ (containeriseUF R) (containeriseUF R'))))
         (padEqualEq (containeriseUF R) (containeriseUF R')))
       (+-≃ (containeriseEq R) (containeriseEq R'))