Professor Neil Ghani - Grants
- Theory and Applications of Induction Recursion.
EPSRC 2009-2012. Principal Investigator. Grant Value: 300,000 pounds.
- Categorical Foundations of Indexed Programming.
EPSRC 2010-2013. Co Investigator. Grant Value: 280,000 pounds.
- Reusability and Dependent Types.
EPSRC 2009-2012. Principal Investigator. Grant Value: 150,000 pounds.
- Theory and Applications of Containers.
EPSRC 2005-2008. Principal Investigator. Grant Value: 230,000 pounds. Code EP/C511964/1.
- Midlands Graduate School. EPSRC 2004-2006. Principal
Investigator. Grant Value: 12,000 pounds. Code GR/T06087/01.
- Applied Semantics II.
European Union. Local contact for
University of Leicester. Grant Value: 3,000 pounds. This refers to the
funds allocated to Leicester.
- BCTCS 2003.
The London Mathematical Society, 2003. Sole
Investigator. Grant Value: 4,000 pounds.
- Coalgebra and Recursion.
The Royal Society of London,
2003-2005. Sole Investigator. Grant Value: 6,000 pounds.
- Kan - A Categorical approach to Computer Algebra.
2001 - 2004. Sole Investigator. Grant Value: 130,000 pounds. Code
GR/R29604/01. End of grant IGR assessment: Tending to Outstanding.
- Categorical Rewriting: Monads and Modularity.
EPSRC 2000 -
2002. Sole Investigator. Grant Value: 52,000 pounds. Code GR/M96230/01.
End of grant IGR assessment: Outstanding.
- Eta-Expansions in Dependent Type Theory.
EUROFOCS 1996. Sole
Investigator. Grant Value: 10,000 pounds.
- Eta-Expansions in Dependent Type Theory.
The Royal Society of
London 1996. Sole Investigator. Grant Value: 2,500 pounds.
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